Loft Ventilation Costs

If you've noticed that condensation is accumulating in your loft, it's likely the result of poor ventilation. While you may think this is an issue you can simply ignore, that's not a good idea. Failing to address your ventilation problems can lead to roof timbers rotting and mold spreading throughout your loft. Since this is a problem that won't just go away, you need to find out if you can take care of it on your own, as well as how much professionals charge for their work.

Should You Tackle Loft Ventilation on Your Own?

In almost all cases, the answer is no. Although you may be skilled at working with your hands, loft ventilation is usually something that should be left up to experienced professionals. The reason this type of work is different from other DIY projects is there are a lot of factors that can impact loft ventilation. If past work has been performed by less experienced workers, their mistakes may need to be corrected. For example, professionals can identify if insulation has been done incorrectly. If it has, it will block specific areas of airflow until it's resolved. While this type of problem would be easy for you to overlook, a professional won't miss it.

How Much Does Loft Ventilation Cost?

The total cost of hiring professionals to deal with your ventilation problem will depend on several factors. These factors include:

  • How many ventilation tiles need to be installed
    • The complexity of your roof's design
    • Any issues that make areas of your roof difficult to access

If you make the smart decision of hiring a professional to handle ventilation problems, they will begin the process by doing a survey of your loft. While the condensation you're experiencing is an obvious indicator that there's a problem, this survey will let the expert get to the root of the problem. Additionally, it will give them an opportunity to determine exactly what materials they are going to need to improve your loft's ventilation. Although there are quite a few factors that will impact the quote you receive, general trends show that professional installers usually charge at least $450 for a job that requires four tiles. If your ventilation issue requires more tiles to resolve, you can plan on paying in the range of $30 for each additional one that's needed.

Do Windows Have an Impact on Loft Ventilation?

If loft windows are properly sealed, they shouldn't have a negative impact on ventilation. However, this doesn't mean that you should dismiss windows as something that’s not relevant to your current situation. Since the professionals you hire to take care of your ventilation are going to be working on your ceiling and roof, it's actually an ideal time to consider adding a window to this area. Because they will already be up there, you can negotiate a good deal for this installation. And once it's complete, you will have a natural source of light that reduces your energy consumption and increases the overall value of your loft.


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